Holistic Approach

The inspiration behind Modern Holistic Marketing is rooted in a radical approach that views business as a human construct and universal language for cooperation. This perspective draws from various ideologies, philosophers, and modern thinkers to create a framework for ethical, sustainable, and community-driven business practices.

Our first principle aligns with philosopher Ed Freeman's stakeholder theory, which posits that businesses should create value for all stakeholders, not just shareholders. This idea is complemented by Daniel Goleman's concept of Social Intelligence, which emphasizes our innate capacity for connection and cooperation. As Goleman states, "We are wired to connect," highlighting that our most remarkable ability as humans is communication.

Eckhart Tolle's teachings on presence and consciousness, as outlined in "The Power of Now" and "A New Earth," inform our approach to mindful business practices. Tolle's emphasis on living in the present moment and transcending ego-driven behaviors resonates with our goal of creating businesses that serve a higher purpose beyond profit.

Eastern philosophies further enrich our perspective. Alan Watts' interpretations of Eastern wisdom for Western audiences, Jack Kornfield's teachings on mindfulness, and Buddhist concepts of Tao and Sangha (collective intelligence) all contribute to our understanding of interconnectedness and collective wisdom in business practices.

In the realm of media, culture, and creative expression, we draw inspiration from Rick Rubin's "The Creative Act," which views creativity as a universal tool for empowerment and making sense of suffering. This aligns with our belief that creative entrepreneurship can be a means of sharing value, sustaining the soul, and nourishing individual businesses. As Rubin suggests, "The creative process is a spiritual path. This adventure is about us, about the deep self, the composer in all of us, about originality, meaning, and essence."The transition from the "artist as genius" to the "creative entrepreneur," as described by William Deresiewicz, informs our understanding of the changing landscape of creative work. This shift emphasizes the need for artists and creatives to embrace entrepreneurial skills while maintaining their artistic integrity.

Stoic philosophy, particularly the teachings of Marcus Aurelius, provides a framework for personal responsibility and resilience in the face of external challenges. As Aurelius stated, "You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength." This principle guides our approach to ethical business practices and personal growth within the cooperative structure.

We recognize the power of words and the role of art and culture in business. These abstract elements bring humans together and enable business on an international scale. By promoting free and honest information sharing, we acknowledge the ultimate power of the consumer in the market economy. As the court of public opinion becomes the final judge, businesses must align their practices with ethical standards and community values.

In essence, MHM (Modern Holistic Marketing Solutions) seeks to create a new paradigm and perspective on business that integrates philosophical wisdom, creative expression, and ethical practices.

By doing so, we aim to empower individuals, foster community connections, and contribute to solving complex global challenges through mindful and purposeful business operations.